Faking It.

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, The Craft, Thoughts & Theory, Vision Is Better by David61 Comments

Ice Abstract, Peggy’s Cove, NS. 2012. Every artist I know, particularly those who feel uncomfortable calling themselves artists, feels like they’re faking it. In those moments when I’m totally transparent and feeling brave,  I’ll tell you it’s one of the two fears with which I wrestle daily – the first that one day I’ll wake to find my muse has …

Gobi Impressions II

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David15 Comments

Gobi Impressions, Triptych II. Mongolia, 2012. Yesterday I posted the first of these, all taken with my big-boy camera, the Nikon D3s. These three I shot with my iPhone while driving, using an app called Slow Shutter, which for I think $0.99 has given me more fun and creative pleasure than all my other apps, or expensive dSLR gear put …

Gobi Impressions

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David18 Comments

Gobi Impressions, Triptych. Mongolia, 2012. A triptych made of images shot during my recent time in the Gobi desert. Handheld at low shutter speeds, I moved the camera back and forth to create a series of impressions. My friend Wendy does a lot of work like this and the art she creates continually blows me away and often creates in …

August Desktop Wallpaper

In Travel, Wallpapers, Within The Frame Adventures by David7 Comments

The White Stupa sand cliffs, Mongolia, 2012 Last month’s desktop wallpaper was a little late, so I thought I’d give you a little time to enjoy it before throwing something new at you. I know, takes a lot of nerve to call 3 weeks “a little late” but then if I’d never posted it, 3 weeks late would have been …

Mongolia Snapshots

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David16 Comments

The ubiquitous UAZ, the Russian 4×4 vans you see everywhere in Mongolia. I want one of these so bad I can almost taste it. A few more snapshots from the Hasselblad in Mongolia: Self portrait. Mongolia, 2012. I walked past this thing (below) several times before I really saw it, stopped dead in my tracks and said, or thought, something …

Mongolia Films – First Peek

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David17 Comments

A few quick uploads of some of my images from Mongolia. I picked these up at the lab this morning. I shot these one morning on the Gobi well before breakfast in some of the most delicious morning light I’ve seen in ages. I wrestled with my Hasselbad and a roll of Fujichrome 100, though I’m not offhand sure exactly …

Real Moments

In Emily and I, Just For Fun, Life Is Short by David16 Comments

I took my Jeep, Emily, over to Vancouver Island this weekend. We had a festival here in town and the thought of being in the city at all, yet alone having to deal with throngs of people set me to hyperventilating and looking for a cat bowl to fill with gin. So I jumped on the ferry and within a …

Stop Waiting.

In Life Is Short, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, VisionMongers by David69 Comments

Marshall Eagle, Kenya, 2012   Perhaps because I spend so much time with creatives I spend more time with frustrated people who feel like they were meant for something more. Perhaps if the default in this culture was to make a living in the arts, we’d be seeing plumbers that just wanted to quit their job painting so they could …