Portraits: Some Questions Answered.

In Craft & Vision, e-books, Thoughts & Theory by David21 Comments

Old Havana, Cuba, 2009 I got some questions after we released the latest eBook, Forget Mugshots, 10 Steps to Better Portraits, that I thought I’d answer here. Some of this stuff was answered in Within The Frame, The Journey of Photographic Vision, but I don’t expect everyone to have read that, so here’s some additional ideas that have come up. …


In Craft & Vision, e-books by David27 Comments

Images shot for, and property of, Save The Children. Ethiopia, 2009. Tomorrow we release Forget Mugshots, 10 Steps to Better Portraits. While I was writing it I spent a lot of time thinking about my favourite portraits. Many of those were shot for clients, and I’m limited in how I show them, so they can’t go into my books, which …


In Craft & Vision, e-books, Emily and I, Travel by David19 Comments

English Bay, 2012. Back in Vancouver now, and living at the Sylvia Hotel on English Bay while waiting to move into a great little live/work loft in Yaletown on March 15th. After long detours home on snow-choked BC roads, Vancouver welcomed me back with open arms on March 5th – cherry blossoms beginning to bloom, sunshine (short-lived, but welcoming), and …

March Desktop Wallpapers

In Emily and I, Travel, Wallpapers by David19 Comments

Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park, 2012 Two desktop wallpapers for you this month. My indecision is your gain. Click either image above to get the full-resolution file – both of them are 2560 x 1600. Seriously, this might just be my new favourite place. Amazing accomodations, real fireplaces, great food, and really reasonable rates with breakfast included. This morning I …

Emerald Lake.

In Emily and I, Just For Fun, Travel by David12 Comments

There may, or may not, be a hot tub here at Emerald Lake Lodge. A huge 16-person hot-tub. Also, there may or may not be a fermented beverage in the flask (thank you, Dave Delnea). Flask by Filson. Photograph, and mad iPhone skills, by Cynthia Brooke Haynes. Hat by Patagonia.

Almost Home

In Emily and I, Travel by David32 Comments

Arrived last night to one of the most amazing places I’ve ever been. Now I know I’m prone to hyperbole. Hell, I might exaggerate more than anyone on the planet, but this time it’s the honest truth. Emerald Lake Lodge in Yoho National Park. If you know where Banff or Lake Louise are, just head a little west, cross into …

Last Postcards from Nova Scotia

In Emily and I, Travel by David21 Comments

Early morning. Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia I’m sitting in a roadside motel that redefines mediocre, just outside Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario. Since I left my family’s home on February 11, I’ve put 6500 kilometers on the Jeep, though I truly thought those kilometers would by now have me well down the eastern seaboard of the USA instead of en route …

Postcards from The Cabot Trail, NS

In Emily and I, Travel by David30 Comments

An amazing day on the Cabot Trail around the northern chunk of Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton island. I’ve driven the Cabot Trail before, but only in late summer and this time it was almost empty, and made all the more beautiful by a fresh fall of snow, in parts blown on the trees so completely that the whole thing looked …

Postcard from Antigonish, NS

In Emily and I, Travel by David19 Comments

Coastal Nova Scotia. A quick hello from a very snowy east coast of Nova Scotia. We’re in Antigonish tonight and tomorrow head for Cape Breton. So far I think we’re the only tourists in the entire province. Everything is closed and it’s been nearly impossible to track down a lobster dinner. It’ll be even harder as we travel north, as …