October 2011 Wallpaper

In Wallpapers by David13 Comments

Rice Paddies in motion, Laos, 2011. This is a 1920×1200 wallpaper, so it’ll do for anything up to a 17? MacBook Pro. Click the image to access the larger file. This one’s a little different for me, and I wouldn’t use it to judge the merits of the Fuji x100 with which I made it, but I’m playing with impressonism …

A Year with Sigma

In GEAR by David33 Comments

A year ago, on October 22, I posted about my transition to Nikon. It’s taken me that long to write something that gear-ish again. With my transition to Nikon began a relationship with Sigma that I’ve been waiting to elaborate on. Now, as I near the end of that year, seems a good time to talk about the lenses I’ve …

Postcard from Cambodia

In News & Stuff, Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David42 Comments

3 Boats, 1000 Buddhas. Photographed at the cave of 1000 Buddhas on the Mekong River in Laos. And I’m posting this from Bangkok. So it’s not really so much a postcard from Cambodia. That’s the next photograph.   Banteay Srei, Cambodia, Photo by Eve Hannah Sitting in the departure lounge in Siem Reap, it’s hard to believe this trip is …

Postcard from Laos

In News & Stuff, Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David62 Comments

A quick hello from Laos. We’re on the banks of the Mekong River, and in a couple hours begin a 2-day journey downriver towards Luang Prabang. Yesterday was a long drive through misty jungles and impossibly green rice paddies, around frequent landslides and small towns, with a stop for spicy kao soi for lunch. As with so many of the …

Moving Forward

In Books, Craft & Vision, Jessie and I, News & Stuff, Wallpapers by David51 Comments

Hi folks. The more rabid among you have already noticed that this September is the first month I’ve missed a wallpaper in, well, I think it’s the first time. Sorry. So much going on, my head is swimming. But read to the end, it’ll be waiting for you. I was released from The Rehabilitation Centre in Ottawa on Friday morning. …

Rehabilitating Art.

In Pep Talks, The Italian Incident by David50 Comments

I saw this man in Ethiopia 4 years ago. Kneeling on one leg, missing the other, letting nothing stand in the way of doing what he was there to do. Not the strongest photograph I’ve ever made, but man do I like this guy’s style. I can’t begin to properly tell you how my time in physical rehab is affecting …


In Pep Talks, The Italian Incident by David60 Comments

Winston Churchill, by Yousuf Karsh. I love his determination and defiance. The Rehab Centre in Ottawa, in which I am currently imprisoned – I mean, ahem, a resident – has hanging on its walls an amazing collection of large prints by Yousuf Karsh. Karsh has long been one of my favourite photographers, and his influence was one of those that …


In The Italian Incident by David71 Comments

It’s my second full day in physical rehab. Monday was spent doing intake and assessment. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent kicking my ass. I went to bed Tuesday exhausted, but having walked 16 lengths of the gym. Today I did 20. Tomorrow I’ll do more. Before bed this evening I went for a walk around the ward, made the photograph …


In News & Stuff, The Italian Incident, Uncategorized by David87 Comments

Just a quick note to let you know an unexpected spot has opened for me at The Rehab Centre in Ottawa. It’s a residential thing, so tomorrow I’m moving back to the hospital for the month of August. There they will kick my ass for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Then they’ll let me go home for …