Buy The Tickets.
A door in Jodhpur, photographed on my first trip to India. Images from that trip benefited me more than the best lens I could have bought or the newest camera, never mind the experience and life-long memories themselves. I ran across a great article this morning on the Adventure Journal. Simply the premise was, “You don’t need all the …
Giving Away an Artist’s Print of Twilight I, Tahoe.
A mock-up of the Twilight I, Tahoe, prints to be released within the next month. Trolling through my own archives I see that two years ago today as Within The Frame was just about to come out I gave away the cover photograph from Within The Frame on beautiful 16×20 APC gallery wrap canvas. So I’d like to do something …
Recent Interviews
Over the last week I’ve done podcast interviews with two great guys. The first was with Matt Brandon, a great friend and collaborator. The second was with a new friend, Martin Bailey. Both interviews touch on similar themes and gave me a chance to talk about my accident, the brevity of life, and other topics that gave me a chance …
June 09 Update
June 01, Coming home and crawling. On June 01, the good folks at The Ottawa Hospital kicked my ass to the curb, threw confetti in the air and told me to come back some time when I couldn’t stay quite so long. I’d been there for 34 days, and left hospital a full 40 days after the accident. It’s fantastic …
June 2011 Desktop Wallpaper
Vernazza, May 2011. This is a 1920×1200 wallpaper, so it’ll do for 17?MacBook Pro and anything smaller. Click the image to access the larger file. I almost cried “uncle” on this one and didn’t post a wallpaper, but I started feeling left out. 🙂 This was shot a week before I fell of the wall in Pisa, 40 days ago. …
Point & Shoot, My A**
This March, I spent more time making photographs with my iPhone down the coast of Oregon than I did with my D3s and Pelican cases full of gear. Many of the images I made in those days are among the best of my recent photographs; unobstructed by all the gear I was more able to play. But not once did …
Voices, Part Two
A cable vanishes into the clouds in a marble quarry high above Carrara, Italy, the place Michelangelo sourced his marble for David. Much of my own artistic journey feels like this, more of what I’m looking for is obscured than revealed at first glance. I spend a lot of time waiting for the mist to clear. When it comes to …
I Hear Voices (So Do You)
Some thoughts on the voices we listen to. My disclaimer: I’m still on meds that make writing a little tough. I feel foggy. I probably write more from my gut right now, which is good unless you want this stuff to make actual sense. So this one might be a little more rambling than others… As artists and creators we …
May 18 Update
My collection of screws and plates. Click the image for a closer look. This is just a quick update. I’m nearing 2 weeks post-up, and am nearing 4 weeks since the accident. The days are getting better, my mind is less foggy now that my pain meds have been significantly reduced, and each day contains small victories. I’m slowing down, …
No Such Thing As Better
It’s been a while since I’ve had a good, proper, rant. Part of that has been the adventure of this year; i think it’s softened me and given me more patience, made me a little more graceful. Another part of it, probably closer to the heart of the matter is that I’ve been busy doing other things and a good …