Voices, Part Two

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons by David34 Comments

A cable vanishes into the clouds in a marble quarry high above Carrara, Italy, the place Michelangelo sourced his marble for David. Much of my own artistic journey feels like this, more of what I’m looking for is obscured than revealed at first glance. I spend a lot of time waiting for the mist to clear. When it comes to …

May 18 Update

In News & Stuff, The Italian Incident, Travel by David74 Comments

My collection of screws and plates. Click the image for a closer look. This is just a quick update. I’m nearing 2 weeks post-up, and am nearing 4 weeks since the accident. The days are getting better, my mind is less foggy now that my pain meds have been significantly reduced, and each day contains small victories. I’m slowing down, …

No Such Thing As Better

In Rants and Sermons, Vision Is Better by David196 Comments

It’s been a while since I’ve had a good, proper, rant. Part of that has been the adventure of this year; i think it’s softened me and given me more patience, made me a little more graceful. Another part of it, probably closer to the heart of the matter is that I’ve been busy doing other things and a good …

Another Update.

In Life Is Short, News & Stuff, The Italian Incident by David205 Comments

San Francisco through the raindrops on the window of the Top of the Mark. Hard to believe it was a couple months ago. To my right, eating dinner, was Robert Duval. Today it expresses my mood. At the risk of popping bubbles, the truth about my condition right now has been revealed only partly in good-humored tweets and blog posts …

The Italian Incident: Update

In News & Stuff, The Italian Incident by David104 Comments

My new nemesis. Nightly we are engaged in a battle of wills. It’s not a battle I am winning. But I wanted an adventure when I set out this year. I wanted to learn new things and lean into the fear and while my adventure has changed, it hasn’t stopped. Because man, do I fear this damn thing. 🙂 Zack …

May 2011 Desktop Wallpaper

In Wallpapers by David129 Comments

San Francisco, February 2011. This is a 1920×1200 wallpaper. Just didn’t have the attention span, with these pain meds, to do a couple different sizes. So this’ll do for 17″MacBook Pro and anything smaller. Ok, folks, the Desktop Wallpaper is up for the month. You didn’t think I’d let a dozen broken bones stop me from doing this, did you? …

Choose Your Risk.

In Life Is Short by David203 Comments

A quick postcard from last night in Vernazza, Italy. Sometimes I flirt with crossing a line on this blog, a line that puts this blog squarely into the motivational genre; a genre I don’t generally care for. So you’ve been warned – this isn’t about photography, but life (and what is photography about if not life?) Last year I decided …