Final Postcard from New Zealand

In News & Stuff, Travel by David43 Comments

Curio Bay, South Island, New Zealand, 2010 Sitting at the Christchurch airport waiting for an outbound flight to Auckland. From there it’s a straight shot home and I’ve got 3 days to turn it all around and head to Jamaica for the holidays. What a trip this has been. Very relaxing, and a chance to shoot more landscapes and seascapes …

Postcard From New Zealand – Doubtful Sound

In News & Stuff, Travel by David18 Comments

Doubtful Sound, South Island, New Zealand A quick one tonight to say hello before heading to bed. We spent the last two days kayaking Doubtful Sound and had a spectacular time. Doubtful Sound is a fjord, not an actual sound, and is full of all the corresponding majesty and drama. Simply spectacular. I strapped my 5D and Aquatech housing to …

Postcard from New Zealand – Milford Sound

In Travel by David28 Comments

Milford Sound, Fiordland National Park, New Zealand, 2010 (Click the thumbnail to make it larger) A quick postcard to say hello. I suspect this might be the last one as internet’s getting harder and harder to come by conventiently. I’m sitting in a rained-out Milford Sound after a fantastic evening on a boat. Can’t even tell you how amazing this …

Postcard From New Zealand – Glenorchy

In Travel by David9 Comments

The Legendary H on the wharf at Glenorchy. A quick hello on the way out of Queenstown. Spent last night at Glenorchy at the end of what the Lonely Planet calls an “achingly beautiful” road and what Trey Ratcliff calls “the most beautiful road in the world.”  Now on to Milford Sound and Fjordland. Yesterday was Bungy jumping – way …

Postcard From Cape Foulwind

In Travel by David37 Comments

Sitting in the RV after what was close to the perfect evening. Fantastic pasta dinner overlooking what might now be my favourite beach in the world, with a bottle of Pepperjack Shiraz, and waiting for the sun to drop. Then two perfect hours with cameras, lenses, tripod, and hopping from rock to rock, exploring caves and arches, and (though there …

More Postcards from New Zealand

In Travel by David30 Comments

Photographing in Golden Bay earlier this evening, waiting for that rare miracle when you find something that captivates your interest and the light goes all magical. It was windy and moody earlier today and I was expecting dramatic skies but got calm and serene instead. Made photographs for a couple hours, waited for the light, played with my 15mm fisheye …

December 2010 Wallpaper

In Travel, Wallpapers by David27 Comments

December wallpapers are now here in both 2560×1600 and 1280×800. I want you to know they don’t get much fresher than this. I’m in my RV parked for the night with this view outside. I shot it 30 minutes ago and am now downloading it via 3G USB stick. I love the times we live in! Photographed outside Havelock, South …

Postcard From New Zealand

In Jessie and I, News & Stuff, Travel by David29 Comments

Hello from New Zealand. The Legendary H and I arrived something like 3 days ago, picked up the camper and hit the road. We’re now camped in a secluded little spot off the road near Huka Falls on the North Island, and by secluded I mean we pulled in last night and there were kiwi rednecks having a bonfire and …

Jessie And I

In Jessie and I, Life Is Short, Travel by David259 Comments

Last week I wrote a post about wringing the most from life, and like most of what I write it comes from stuff I’ve got bouncing around in my own head, wrestling with the angels and all that. I invited you to contribute your own thoughts, and many of you did. I’m still inspired by those comments. As for me,  …

Life Is (too) Short – An Invitation

In Life Is Short by David214 Comments

I wasn’t at all planning to do this. In fact I wasn’t planning to write what I did yesterday. But like I said, it just needed to come out and I think best by writing. And over the last 24+ hours I’ve been humbled, moved to tears and further entrenched in my resolve to live moment by moment, love harder, …