New LR Develop Presets Released

In Craft & Vision, Lightroom & Workflow by corwin3 Comments

This Adobe Lightroom Develop preset package includes 42 of Nicole S. Young’s most-used presets and a 16-page PDF manual, which includes installation instructions and complete before/after catalog of photographs of each preset to give you a sense of what to expect. Presets are extremely helpful in making one’s workflow more efficient. They also give us new ideas about expression, and, …


In Books, Craft & Vision, e-books, News & Stuff by David15 Comments

SEVEN+ IS NOW AVAILABLE When I launched SEVEN, my limited edition book, earlier this year, we offered a special edition that included an expanded digital edition. 200 pages long, SEVEN+ was a chance for people who purchased the uber-edition to look at the work on a bus, a plane, anywhere you weren’t going to take a 4lb book that cost …

C&V Black Friday

In Craft & Vision by David3 Comments

Once a year, while there’s truly unconscionable insanity going on in shopping malls across this continent, Craft & Vision holds a Black Friday sale. It’s one of two chances we take to offer killer deals on our products, and it only lasts 24 hours, and it’s happening this Friday, November 29. Every product in the C&V store will be 50% …

November Desktop Wallpaper

In Craft & Vision, Hokkaido, News & Stuff, Wallpapers by David9 Comments

Desktop Wallpaper from Hokkaido, Japan, last winter. Enjoy! I’ve just got back from a nice road trip – one that took me for the first time in almost two years over the US border. Let’s just say I’ve had some unnecessary issues stemming from a decision to live nomadically with no fixed address a couple years ago. Anyways, there’s some …

New Podcast Coming

In Craft & Vision, Photographically Speaking, The Craft by David9 Comments

A couple years ago I did a podcast with Peachpit called Within The Frame. I did 20 episodes and still get weekly requests to do more. Until now I just didn’t feel the love I want to have for a project in order to sit down and do it. Now I have the love, and the time. So we’re launching …

4th Birthday Sale!

In Books, Craft & Vision, e-books, News & Stuff by David33 Comments

Light the candles. Sing the song. Cut the cake. Craft & Vision is 4 years old. We know we can’t send birthday cake to you in a PDF, but we can go one better. Today and tomorrow only (August 27 & 28, 2013), everything in the Craft & Vision store is 50% off (OK, almost everything. Subscriptions of PHOTOGRAPH are …

SEVEN: Vancouver Launch Party

In Craft & Vision, News & Stuff, SEVEN by David23 Comments

On Wednesday, June 5th, I’m inviting you to join me as we take the wrappers off my first art book: SEVEN. It’s a small event, just me (and my fantastic team), my new book, and a chance to have a glass of wine or cup of coffee in Vancouver’s fantastic Gastown. If you wanted a chance to pick up a …

Building SEVEN: It’s Printed!

In Books, Craft & Vision, News & Stuff, SEVEN by David8 Comments

SEVEN, my fine-art book, is almost ready for the binders. I spent Friday and Saturday at Hemlock Printers watching sheet after sheet come off the press, a massive 10-unit Heidelberg Speedmaster. Each form is a sheet of paper with 6 pages per side, 12 sides in all. The pressman would put the plates on the machines, and run test after …