A Beautiful Anarchy

In A Beautiful Anarchy, Books, Creativity and Inspiration, e-books, Life Is Short, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, The Life Creative by David34 Comments

  Colour outside the lines and make the best art of your life! To my core I believe that our lives can be lived boldly, intentionally, and as our truest work of art. I believe we are all capable of living extraordinary lives; that people like Gandhi, Picasso, or Mother Teresa, were ordinary people who chose to be fully themselves …

Impressions & Abstracts

In Craft & Vision, Creativity and Inspiration, e-books, The Craft, The Life Creative by David23 Comments

Next week we’re releasing my next eBook –  The Visual Imagination, a book about creative techniques and ideas that focuses mostly on impressionism and abstraction. Yesterday I was doing a pre-release podcast interviews, talking to Ibarionex Perello, the amazing voice and mind of The Candid Frame, and he asked me the one question I’m so fond of asking others. Why? …

Make It Human.

In Creativity and Inspiration, Life Is Short, Pep Talks, Vision Is Better by David40 Comments

I don’t imagine there’s much point, this far down the line, in another rant about how photography has become a technocracy, a place where the artifice means more than the art. But is anyone else feeling that all this technical perfection is leaving too little room for the humanity we long for? People don’t resonate with perfection, because life isn’t …