Life Is Short

In Life Is Short, Most Popular, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons by David291 Comments

This isn’t really one of those helpful photographic posts, so if you’re jonesin’ for info on what gear I’m packing for New Zealand, you might want to just kind of move along 🙂 But I’m bursting to say these things, and I’m hoping someone out there needs to hear. I do. As some of you know there’s some big changes …

Blurred Vision

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Vision Is Better by David93 Comments

So what do you do when you feel your vision has abandoned you? That it’s dried up or gone missing? I talked about this while I was in Kathmandu on a personal level but I’m seeing it all over the internet and in emails from friends. I can’t be the only one. The downside to believing that our photography is …


In News & Stuff, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, Travel by David71 Comments

I just walked through the door a couple hours ago, sifted through the pile of mail and stuff that builds up over a 5 week+ absence. Tomorrow I’m on a plane again. Feeling a little rough around the edges! The images above and below are two I shot in Kathmandu while feeling I was having a hard time seeing things. …

Oh Snap!

In Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons by David116 Comments

Monterosso, Italy. 2010. Photo credit: Jeffrey Chapman. I feel a rant coming on. I can already hear people rolling their eyes on this one, but hear me out. This morning I made a quick tweet about a pet peeve of mine and got an interesting array of responses. Clearly 140 characters on Twitter is not the best place to nail …

Go to the Writers.

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Vision Is Better by David48 Comments

I’m re-reading a stack of books about the creative process. Anne Lamott, Stephen King, Annie Dillard, Robert McKee, et al. When what I want is to hear about the creative life, I don’t go to photographers – most of them are good with images, lousy with words. Want insight into how this whole creative thing works? Go to the writers. …

Begin. Again. Part 2

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks by David17 Comments

Genova, Italy. 2010. Last week’s posts on putting your ideas into action seemed to really resonate. I posted BEGIN and then BEGIN. AGAIN. Begin Again was aimed at the working photographer, this one’s aimed at all of us – the amateurs, the ones that do this because we love it, paycheck or no paycheck. Heck, some of us don’t earn …

Hiding Behind Shiny Pillars?

In GEAR, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, Vision Is Better by David33 Comments

I’m re-reading Hugh MacLeod’s IGNORE EVERYBODY. Great book. You should read it. Seriously. But that’s not why I bring it up. I just posted about shooting with a little less gear and then I sat down with a glass of wine and this book and a pen and read the following. I think it applies. There’s no correlation between creativity …