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Learn To Isolate

In The Craft, Thoughts & Theory, Tutorials &Technique by David5 Comments

This Red Crowned crane was among many, but isolated with a longer lens it creates more impact within the frame than it might have surrounded by context. POINT OF VIEW The first and most obvious way to isolate elements with the frame is the intentional use of point of view. What appears and does not appear, in front of, around, …

Printing Hokkaido

In Hokkaido, Lightroom & Workflow, Resources, The Craft, Thoughts & Theory, Tutorials &Technique, Workflow & Technical Issues by David

After narrowing down my Hokkaido work through my edit process, I’m now left with a collection of images to print. Here’s my rough process. 1. Image Prep. I take each image through a final pass in Lightroom’s Develop module. Here are the questions I’m asking myself as I go through the panels. Is my monitor recently calibrated? Am I completely …

Editing Hokkaido

In Hokkaido, Lightroom & Workflow, The Craft, Tutorials &Technique by David45 Comments

Coming home from Hokkaido with 8000 images to edit should seem intimidating, but it isn’t. I got a couple requests from people to share my editing process, which hadn’t even occurred to me until I got them, because I’m pretty much done already. So then I went and told Twitter and Facebook I’d show people how I do this painlessly …

Northern Kenya on White

In GEAR, Images, Travel, Tutorials &Technique by David18 Comments

The images above are another sample of the photographs from this last month’s work in northern Kenya. I wanted something simpler than the environmental portraits I’ve done in the past. Something that isolated my subjects from their contexts and showed them, and their emotions and character, elegantly. Before I left I talked to the folks at Westcott, and picked up …

Long Exposure Light Leaks

In GEAR, The Craft, Travel, Tutorials &Technique by David46 Comments

I shot the image above in Patagonia this year, my first real work with the new Nikon D800, which always makes me nervous. So when I saw the weird banding you can see in the frame on the left, I got a little freaked out. In 25 years of photography, I’d seen some weird things, but never this. I was …

Shooting in Black & White

In Antarctica, The Craft, Thoughts & Theory, Tutorials &Technique by David9 Comments

I couldn’t bring myself to shoot a single black and white image in Antarctica last year. To me the place was all about colour. This year it was very different. Last week I was on Deception Island in Antarctica, walking around an old whaling station in the crater of a still-active volcano. It’s a fascinating place, full of texture, contrasts, …

Five Minutes, Ten Stops

In The Craft, Tutorials &Technique by David27 Comments

  Lake Laberge, YT, 2012. Apart from a difference in timing, these two images might have been identical. What separates them, in terms of their aesthetic, is a difference in five minutes, and ten f/stops. The second image was made just five minutes after the first frame, but with the addition of the Lee Big Stopper, a 10-stop ND filter …