May Desktop Wallpaper

In Travel, Wallpapers by David16 Comments

One evening in Camogli, Italy. Just my Fuji XE-1, a Lee Big Stopper and 3-Stop Grad on a tripod pointing at the horizon.  14mm @ f/11. 210 seconds. ISO 250. No significant adjustments in the digital darkroom. Just amazing light on amazing water. This is a downloadable desktop wallpaper and should look great on anything up to 30 inches. Enjoy. …

Postcards from Italy

In Postcards From..., Travel by David18 Comments

Ciao! I rolled in from Italy a couple hours ago, set my photographs to begin the export process from my laptop to my iMac, unpacked, stocked the fridge and walked out for some much needed sushi. So good to be back home in Vancouver. No matter how often I go away, coming home is sweeter each time. Now I’m crashing …

Postcard from Liguria, Italy

In Postcards From..., Travel, Workshops and Events by David16 Comments

We’re wrapping up the first week of the Italy Within The Frame. We’ve been on the Mediterranean for a week and now heading for Venice to begin one more week of great food, wine, and photography, all of which there is in abundance.  I’m not going to lie to you, it’s been rough. 🙂 I’ve given myself new constraints on …

Since You Asked

In Rants and Sermons, Travel by David48 Comments

Once in a while the subject of taking beautiful photographs of beautiful people gets complicated by the inevitable discussion of money. Specifically, “Should you pay people for a photograph?” Or more personally, “Do I pay people for a photograph?” I’ve given various answers to this over the years. It’s not a simple question with a simple answer. And I won’t …

Building SEVEN: It’s Printed!

In Books, Craft & Vision, News & Stuff, SEVEN by David8 Comments

SEVEN, my fine-art book, is almost ready for the binders. I spent Friday and Saturday at Hemlock Printers watching sheet after sheet come off the press, a massive 10-unit Heidelberg Speedmaster. Each form is a sheet of paper with 6 pages per side, 12 sides in all. The pressman would put the plates on the machines, and run test after …

Hokkaido Steller’s Eagles

In Hokkaido, Images, Postcards From..., Travel by David15 Comments

These mornings with the Steller Eagles were painfully early. We pried ourselves off our futons in order to be out the door around 4:30am, dressed for temperatures that felt much colder than the actual -15C, and lugging our largest lenses. We drove down to the port, not sure if we’d even be heading out, knowing too much ice would keep …

Hokkaido Whooper Swans

In Hokkaido, Images, Postcards From..., Travel by David15 Comments

Since returning from Hokkaido it’s been a flurry of activity doing all those other things that fill our days so we can keep doing that thing we love – making photographs. That usually means I post a bunch of photographs immediately, and then nearly abandon you to posts about other things. I love those other things, and truthfully they’re what …

April Desktop Wallpaper

In News & Stuff, SEVEN, Wallpapers, Within The Frame Adventures by David4 Comments

From Northern Kenya this January, a herder brings his flocks home under the setting sun to celebrate Almatho. I didn’t anticipate this one. We’d been out the night before making portraits and I’d seen similar scenes. I thought the herds were home now. But the next night they kept rolling in, and the celebrations began. I spent a couple hours …

Orchid Impressions

In Images, The Life Creative by David15 Comments

The last few days, as we’ve opened SEVEN for pre-orders, have been tremendously exciting, humbling, and full of the same fear any artist has when releasing something so close to his heart into the world: what if it doesn’t find an audience? We released it nervously, knowing if no one purchased it, I’d have 4,000lbs of books in my loft …