Postcards from Nanyuki

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David30 Comments

After 2 weeks in the field in northern Kenya, we’ve settled in for 2 days at the Mt. Kenya Safari Club to shower up, debrief, and get ready to head home. We’ve been in Kenya’s north, from Archer’s Post to Loiyangalani, photographing in partnership with The Boma Project, among Rendille, Samburu, and Turkana tribes, mostly nomadic pastoralists. I’ll do a …

Postcard from Loglogo

In Life Is Short, News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David23 Comments

I never feel so much a part of something bigger than myself than when I am here, in this wide open red soil, under this vast African sky. Completely out of my context, but totally in my element. I’ve nothing here but a few personal belongings in my backpack, my cameras, and enough Kiswahili to be politely useless. What I …

Long Exposure Light Leaks

In GEAR, The Craft, Travel, Tutorials &Technique by David46 Comments

I shot the image above in Patagonia this year, my first real work with the new Nikon D800, which always makes me nervous. So when I saw the weird banding you can see in the frame on the left, I got a little freaked out. In 25 years of photography, I’d seen some weird things, but never this. I was …

BOMA Project: Back to the field

In Travel by David17 Comments

On Tuesday I’m heading back to Kenya. I’ll be exploring Tsavo (think The Ghost and The Darkness) and Diani (think beaches) for a week and then on January 17th I’m heading back to work. After what will be a forced hiatus of 20 months, due to my accident, I’m finally returning to client work with humanitarian organizations. I’m thrilled to …

Planning Is Just Guessing. But With More Pie Charts and Stuff.

In News & Stuff, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, Uncategorized, Vision Is Better by David22 Comments

I taught at VanArts this morning, by which I really mean I talked for two hours and hoped those beautiful young minds would learn something from my string of disconnected thoughts. One of the things I  talked about, though with my tendency to digress, I have no idea which rabbit-hole I was down when my time ran out, was poetically …

Back It Up!

In GEAR, Lightroom & Workflow, News & Stuff, Workflow & Technical Issues by David38 Comments

Here’s your New Year’s reminder: back your stuff up. Do it redundantly, with extreme paranoia, and do it now. If it helps, I’ll even say “Pretty please.” You put so much time into your work, and harddrives fail all the time. So really, this is not paranoia. It’s wisdom. My preference is that every file, including my Lightroom catalog files, …

Happy New Year

In News & Stuff, Travel, Wallpapers by David19 Comments

What a year. I often take some time around now to sit with my pen and notebook, a cup of coffee, and my thoughts. I’m not big on resolutions but I do like to look back at the year and be grateful, think about lessons learned, and celebrate. This year took me to Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania, before I jumped …

The Life Creative (2)

In Creativity and Inspiration, Rants and Sermons, The Life Creative by David14 Comments

The story goes like this: A student asks Jay Maisel, “How can I make more interesting photographs?” to which Jay sagely replies, “become a more interesting person.” Having never formally studied Art, my creative is process is probably a little unsophisticated: I daily try to live the most vital, engaged, and interesting (to me) life I possibly can. Intentional. Passionate. …