Postcard from Monterosso al Mare

In Travel by David29 Comments

Monterosso al Mare, Italy, 2012 Hello from the Italian Riviera and the lovely seaside town of Monterosso al Mare. This town is special to me; I fell in love here last year, not with the town so much as a beautiful woman. We’ve spent the last year traveling much of the world together, sharing some beautiful adventures, but we started …

Postcards from Sweden

In Craft & Vision, e-books, News & Stuff, Travel by David39 Comments

I’m just wrapping up an amazing week in Sweden. Spent part of it pubbing and exploring Stockholm, which is an incredible city, and so easy to travel. It’s got great public transport, and it’s small, and extremely friendly. English is so widely spoken I never once had that familiar dread of knowing I needed to mime my way through ordering …

We Bounce

In Life Is Short, Pep Talks by David99 Comments

Ladakh, India, 2008. A year ago, on Easter weekend, I fell 30′ from a wall in Pisa, Italy. Most of you know that. I shattered both feet, cracked my pelvis and was told I would never walk the same again, and would “always have a limp, though you’ll limp with both feet, so it won’t look like a limp.” Whatever …


In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, The Craft by David84 Comments

A couple large prints would look great on these walls. Photographers are a funny lot. So easily distracted. I just came back from the camera store where I came within an inch of buying the new Fuji X Pro 1. I resisted and had a cupcake instead. But as I drove home I thought about it. I had been working …

April Desktop Wallpapers

In Wallpapers by David28 Comments

Iceland, 2010. Click either image to enlarge, then right-click to save to your computer. Two desktop wallpapers this month, due to indecision. I’ve been printing up a storm over here at the loft and in the process I discovered a new series of black and white work from Iceland. These are 2560 x 1600 and will fit anything up to …

Why I Print

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Photographs & Photoshopping, Tutorials &Technique, Workflow & Technical Issues by David63 Comments

Monument Valley, 2011 With the advent of digital photography, and even more importantly, the internet, our ability to share and experience photographs has changed dramatically. The wet darkroom, once so necessary for creating prints we could touch and feel, is much less common than it once was, and if I were a betting man I’d wager that the majority of …

The Thing About (Travel) Tripods

In GEAR, Travel by David32 Comments

Me. And my tripod. Iceland 2010. Photo by Dave Delnea. In the last few years I’ve done a complete 180 on how I think about tripods. I used to lug one around because I should, but never used it. I used to call my tripod unsavory names. Frankly, we were not on the best of terms. But I’ve owned a …

New HQ: A Quick Peak

In Just For Fun, News & Stuff by David42 Comments

A couple quick shots from the new Galactic Headquarters for both Pixelated Image Communications and Craft & Vision. A small loft in Vancouver’s Yaletown, and just big enough to call home when I’m not traveling and for Corwin and the rest of my team to make use of as an office. This has to be one of the best parts …