Vision & Voice Released and Shipping
Well, the day is upon us. The final book in the vision trilogy is out and Amazon has started shipping it – which means others are soon to follow, and places like and other should have them heading out within a month. I can’t tell you how excited I am to have this done and out there as …
Captivated by Erwitt.
Copyright Elliott Erwitt. During my time in NYC I met Elliott Erwitt again. Not in person, but through his work. It’s been a couple years since I first looked at Erwitt’s work and for some reason seeing it this time made a significantly different impression on me. In fact, Erwitt kept popping up. The first time was in the Chelsea …
July 2010 Desktop Wallpapers
July wallpapers are here, in both 2560×1600 and 1280×853. This is the cover image of the next in The Print & Process series: SAFARI, A Monograph being released through Craft & Vision on July 8th. Click the image above for the smaller wallpaper. Click HERE for the larger one.
One of Yours, One of Mine Winner Announced + A free 8×12 Canvas.
Earlier this month we announced a random draw for a canvas from Artistic Photo Canvas. The deal was simple. Put your name in the hat, and as long as you have a Canadian or U.S. mailing address you’d be eligible to win a chance at getting a 16×24 canvas of your own work, as well as one of mine. I’m …
Q&A on F&B
Last week I had a great interview with Jeffrey Saddoris from the Faded & Blurred community. I do a lot of interviews, many of which kind of ask the same old questions. This is not that interview. The Faded & Blurred community is a great place filled with some super people. If it’s been a while since your teeth were …
Isolated by Light
Genoa, Italy. I took a spot reading off the pavement in the beam of light. It happens to be pretty close to 18% grey, so I exposed manually at those settings, prefocused on the spot, and waited until someone came. It’s usually worth the wait. We talk a lot about isolating elements within the frame. We do it with our …
Oh Snap!
Monterosso, Italy. 2010. Photo credit: Jeffrey Chapman. I feel a rant coming on. I can already hear people rolling their eyes on this one, but hear me out. This morning I made a quick tweet about a pet peeve of mine and got an interesting array of responses. Clearly 140 characters on Twitter is not the best place to nail …
Art and Risk
Continuing my tradition of posting totally unrelated images to illustrate a point, this is the abbey at San Frutuosso, in Italy. I had a video chat with Dane Sanders and a virtual room full of folks on this week and one of the questions touched on an itch I’ve been meaning to scratch for a while. And now I’m …
One of Yours, One of Mine.
It’s been far too long since I’ve done a giveaway on the blog. What can I say, I got busy and it takes time to beg for free stuff. 🙂 I’ve been wanting to shine the light on my friends at Artistic Photo Canvas again and as the time rolls around for me to do a few more canvases I …
Go to the Writers.
I’m re-reading a stack of books about the creative process. Anne Lamott, Stephen King, Annie Dillard, Robert McKee, et al. When what I want is to hear about the creative life, I don’t go to photographers – most of them are good with images, lousy with words. Want insight into how this whole creative thing works? Go to the writers. …