What’s With The ISO?

In Thoughts & Theory, Tutorials &Technique by David39 Comments

Every week, without fail, I get an email from an inquisitive mind about the EXIF data in Within The Frame, specifically the question goes like this, and I quote from yesterday morning’s email on the matter: I noticed that in quite a lot of your photos you use high ISO even though there seems no reason to do so, for …

State Of The Blog Address

In Books, News & Stuff by David59 Comments

On Thursday the 22nd I attended a conference called Creative Mix Vancouver. It was the brainchild of my manager, Corwin Hiebert, and it was incredibly inspiring to me to see a room packed with creatives from an incredible cross-section of disciplines. We had writers and publishers, ad executives and musicians, video-game creators, film-makers, photographers, and a chef. Not to mention …

Stuff (But Vision is Still Better.)

In GEAR by David26 Comments

This one is an unabashed, shameless, Gear Is Good but Vision Is Better post. You’ve been warned. There have been a lot of quiet, but enthusiastic ripples about the new Elinchrom Ranger Quadra system, and I finally caved in. I called B&H and talked it through, then placed my order. I’d been tempted before Photoshop World and then I got …

On Smiling.

In Tutorials &Technique, Vision Is Better by David17 Comments

When I wrote the first two eBooks – TEN and TEN MORE – the subtitles suggested that they were ways to improve your photography without buying gear. I’ve been amused, to say the least, to see the reaction to this by several others (including the prolific Scott Bourne, who’s written two posts inspired by the concept – HERE and HERE) …

And The Winner Is…

In Uncategorized by David14 Comments

Just over a week ago we announced that in a fit of lovin’ for my readers, the fine folks at Data Robotics were giving away one DROBO. I waxed poetic and enthusiastic about how much I love my Drobo (I have two – an original USB model, and a current FW800 model, both sitting on my desk), mentioned how vulnerable …

Being There

In Pep Talks, Thoughts & Theory, Vision Is Better by David22 Comments

One of the lessons that came up time and again on last month’s Lumen Dei tour was the importance of presence. As in really being there. We photographers often suffer from some kind of attention-deficit malfunction. We look, we shoot, we don’t always really see. So this year we encouraged people to stop running around looking for the next thing …

It Feels Like This Outside

In Wallpapers by David12 Comments

I woke up to rain and grey this morning. It reminded me of a photograph, one that one of my readers asked me to make into a wallpaper but I’ve just not got around to it. But the weather’s got me hunkered down inside, with a cup of tea, and looking out the window at something much like this. So …


In Images by David11 Comments

I had the distinct pleasure of spending a couple days with Dave Taggart recently. Dave flew up to spend a couple days with me working on his craft and getting out a few bugs before he joins us on the Kenya tour in January. In the lead up to our time together I spent some time looking at his work …