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How’s Your Balance?

In Creativity and Inspiration, The Craft by David3 Comments

Ask a photographer about balance and tension in a photograph and they’ll look at you like you just asked them about the mathematics of hyperfocal distance. Actually, that’s unfair; I know a number of photographers who could speak at length about the latter. I know fewer who can speak about the former. But ask a painter or sculptor the same …

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The Biggest Misconceptions in Photography?

In Creativity and Inspiration, The Craft, The Life Creative by David11 Comments

The other day I watched (skimmed, really) a video on YouTube promising I’d learn about the 20 biggest misconceptions in photography. The video had 1.2 million views. What, I wondered, could so many photographers be getting so wrong?  It turns out the answer included focus breathing, reciprocal rules, sweet spots, megapixel density, the non-existence of depth of field, and how …