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Postcards from Italy

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David19 Comments

It’s been a while since I said hello, and the last time you heard from me was probably during the chaos of the 5 Day Deal over the last week. Thanks for your patience on that. Together we raised over $200,000 for 4 excellent charities, including The Boma Project with which I am so personally involved. This sale also funds …

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The Great Bear Sea

In News & Stuff, Wilderness, Workshops and Events by David12 Comments

I spent this weekend diving in the Great Bear Sea with friends, among them two people I’ve long admired – Paul Nicklen and Cristina Mittermeier. We dove several times among Steller Sea Lions and forests of white plumose anemone and purple urchins, spending our surface time talking about the state of things in the natural world and our desire to …

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Postcards from Istanbul

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David13 Comments

I remember some point in my childhood hearing the name Constantinople; like the name Zanzibar it conjured something exotic and romantic in my mind. Of this kind of romance there was no shortage in my childhood. Early on my mother had a massive National Geographic atlas, easily the largest book in the house and I’d lie on the floor looking …

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Gear for 2+ Months

In GEAR, News & Stuff, Travel by David55 Comments

In a few days I jump onto my first flight of 2016 and head to Johannesburg. From there I drive to Lesotho and then on horseback into the mountains to photograph for a couple NGOs working among shepherd children. This will be the first leg of a trip that’ll take me to Namibia, Cape Town, Kenya’s Maasai Mara, Zanzibar, Rajasthan, …

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Holiday Gift Guide

In Life Is Short, News & Stuff, The Life Creative by David23 Comments

You knew I wasn’t going to be the voice telling you to go buy more stuff for the photographers in your life, right?  Right about now every blog out there is starting to release their Holiday Gift Guides and you should probably go there if you are looking for something cool to buy yourself, oops, I mean to buy someone …

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Postcards from Rome

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David29 Comments

  Ciao from Roma! We spent this evening walking through Rome in the rain, the shadows and reflections of this ancient city bounced back at us on the glistening cobbles, as we passed boutiques and wine bars, music and light pouring out of the wine bars. This morning we walked over to Vatican City, and yesterday it was the Colosseum, …

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Postcards from Lucca

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David30 Comments

I’m sending these postcards with a heavy heart from Lucca, a night after the new attacks on Paris, hoping someone out there needs a reminder that there is still good in the world, that beauty remains as imperfect but undiminished as always. That our ways of expressing grief and compassion and empathy for others may, like beauty, not be perfect, …