Greater Intimacy

In Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, The Craft, Thoughts & Theory by David8 Comments

I believe that when Robert Capa said “if your photographs aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough,” part of what he implied was more than just physical proximity, but a more intimate knowledge of the subject. They’re connected of course, and if there’s one thing that I love hearing from others about my work, it’s the word “intimacy.” I want …

Visualizing Spots in LR5

In Lightroom & Workflow, The Craft by David15 Comments

If there’s one feature I love in the newest version of Adobe’s Lightroom, it’s the Visualize Spots tool. There wasn’t much fanfare about it, it kind of snuck under the radar a little, but for me this is huge. Lord knows I try to keep my sensor clean but it’s a losing battle. My usual workflow involves a pretty paranoid …

Why Sketch?

In Creativity and Inspiration, The Craft, The Life Creative by David24 Comments

I’m a big believer in sketch photographs, making frames you know aren’t working but have some idea in them you want to explore. The alternative is to believe that all the images I make that don’t work the way I had hoped are failures and I don’t believe in the notion of failure in creative endeavors. At least not in …

The Magic Wand

In Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, The Craft by David71 Comments

This weekend I posted about my experience with the new Fuji XE-1. It’s a great camera. It’s capable of making some beautiful photographs. But I didn’t say the one thing I most wanted to. My heart was screaming to say it and got over-ridden by my mind and it’s always a mistake not to listen to my heart. I wrote …

Printing Hokkaido

In Hokkaido, Lightroom & Workflow, Resources, The Craft, Thoughts & Theory, Tutorials &Technique, Workflow & Technical Issues by David

After narrowing down my Hokkaido work through my edit process, I’m now left with a collection of images to print. Here’s my rough process. 1. Image Prep. I take each image through a final pass in Lightroom’s Develop module. Here are the questions I’m asking myself as I go through the panels. Is my monitor recently calibrated? Am I completely …

Editing Hokkaido

In Hokkaido, Lightroom & Workflow, The Craft, Tutorials &Technique by David45 Comments

Coming home from Hokkaido with 8000 images to edit should seem intimidating, but it isn’t. I got a couple requests from people to share my editing process, which hadn’t even occurred to me until I got them, because I’m pretty much done already. So then I went and told Twitter and Facebook I’d show people how I do this painlessly …