Towards Mastery. Again.

In Postcards From..., Rants and Sermons, Travel, Wallpapers by David52 Comments

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a desktop wallpaper, I’m hoping this makes up for the absence. Enjoy! Photographed this morning on the Maasai Mara, Kenya. In a few days, or so, I’ll publish some thoughts about my mirror-less experiment in Africa. This is the preamble: none of it will make you a better photographer. Collect all the gear …

Postcards from the Maasai Mara

In Postcards From..., Travel by David15 Comments

A quick hello from the Maasai Mara and one of the most relaxing trips I’ve taken in a long while. Free from the pressure I feel when lugging around my large lenses and pro-bodies, I’ve photographed wide, chased the light when it’s there, and otherwise let the moments come while introducing my mother to this place I love so much. …

Postcards from Lalibela

In Postcards From..., Travel, Vision Is Better by David23 Comments

A week ago a group of us landed in Lalibela, Ethiopia about the same time as thousands of orthodox pilgrims were arriving from all over the country. We spent the last week in this high dusty town, walking among the centuries-old churches, all carved from the red rock on which this town sits, and waiting for orthodox Christmas. Unique in …

2013 Retrospective

In Life Is Short, News & Stuff, Travel, Vision Is Better by David20 Comments

Kenya, January 2013. It’s the nature of time to go too quickly. Maybe that’s one of the reasons photography works so well for me: in making time one of our raw materials we pay more attention to it, honouring it down to thousandths of a second, more present, more perceptive. I wish paying more attention slowed it down somewhat, and …

Mirrorless to Africa

In GEAR, Travel by David71 Comments

In a couple days I fly to Africa for almost 6 weeks. A week in Lalibela, Ethiopia, then to Kenya to spend 10 ten days in my beloved Maasai Mara to take my mother on her first safari, and then to Zanzibar for over two weeks to get my scuba certification and spend time with my camera in the water. …

Hokkaido Landscapes with Martin Bailey

In Hokkaido, Life Is Short, News & Stuff, Travel by David4 Comments

I fell in love with Hokkaido, Japan, last year. I joined Martin Bailey as a guest on his Winter Wonderland tour, and spent almost two weeks photographing monkeys, cranes, eagles, and beautiful landscapes. I wanted more of the landscapes and Martin and I talked long and hard about the possibilities. So the second he started getting serious about running a …

Christmas Presence.

In Life Is Short, News & Stuff, Vision Is Better by David33 Comments

In the coming days, if you’ve not done so already you’ll see all kinds of articles about making better holiday photographs. They’ll be filled with advice from the banal and obvious, to the dubiously helpful. Mostly they’ll be written to drag people to their blogs, and increase traffic, when those same people should just shut the laptop and be with …

Space for Wonder

In Life Is Short, Vision Is Better by David25 Comments

The other day a friend and I threw our cameras into the Jeep and drove deep into British Columbia’s Squamish River and Elaho River valleys. Temperatures were unusually low for around here and there was an invigorating chill in the air. So busy from the launch of the new Craft & Vision website, I’d forgotten to come up for air, …


In Books, Craft & Vision, e-books, News & Stuff by David15 Comments

SEVEN+ IS NOW AVAILABLE When I launched SEVEN, my limited edition book, earlier this year, we offered a special edition that included an expanded digital edition. 200 pages long, SEVEN+ was a chance for people who purchased the uber-edition to look at the work on a bus, a plane, anywhere you weren’t going to take a 4lb book that cost …

On Luck & Trenches

In Influences, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, The Craft by David12 Comments

There’s a terrific recording of an excerpt from an interview with photographer Robert Capa (1913-1954) making the rounds right now. In it he describes the making of one of his most iconic photographs (above) and the role of luck in its creation. Capa says he raised the camera as the soldiers were climbing out of the trench to storm the …