Better Landscape Photographs – 11 Tips

In Craft & Vision, e-books, Resources by David15 Comments

Ladakh, India, 2009. I’m in my Jeep, Emily, driving north to Inuvik, North West Territory, past the Arctic Circle, right now, chasing beauty as autumn comes to the tundra. I’ve got a couple bags full of gear and a couple tripods in the back of Emily, a luxury I seldom have, but I’m hoping to play a little while I’m …

Cape Kiwanda Post-Production

In The Craft, Tutorials &Technique, Wallpapers by David19 Comments

On Wednesday I was digging around the archives, looking for something new for this month’s desktop wallpaper when I found an image I forgot I had. This is Cape Kiwanda, near Pacific City, Oregon. I did about 10 minutes of post-production on it in Lightroom 3 as one last hurrah before moving to Lightroom 4. Here are some of the …

September Desktop Wallpaper

In Wallpapers by David6 Comments

September’s almost here and there are changes afoot. The website’s completely new and with those changes I wanted to give you something new for your desktop, something I’ve not shown anyone. So I revisited my images from the trip I took with Jessie, my Land Rover, last year. Oh those were fun times. You know, back when they were still …

Heading North

In Craft & Vision, Emily and I, News & Stuff, Travel by David27 Comments

ARCTIC CIRCLE TRIP On September 05 I head to Vancouver Island to pick up my friend Al Smith and his Jeep. Together the 4 of us (two guys, two Jeeps) head up to the far north of Vancouver Island to Port Hardy. From there we catch the ferry to Prince Rupert and drive north towards Whitehorse, the capital of Canada’s …

Faking It.

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, The Craft, Thoughts & Theory, Vision Is Better by David61 Comments

Ice Abstract, Peggy’s Cove, NS. 2012. Every artist I know, particularly those who feel uncomfortable calling themselves artists, feels like they’re faking it. In those moments when I’m totally transparent and feeling brave,  I’ll tell you it’s one of the two fears with which I wrestle daily – the first that one day I’ll wake to find my muse has …

Gobi Impressions II

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David15 Comments

Gobi Impressions, Triptych II. Mongolia, 2012. Yesterday I posted the first of these, all taken with my big-boy camera, the Nikon D3s. These three I shot with my iPhone while driving, using an app called Slow Shutter, which for I think $0.99 has given me more fun and creative pleasure than all my other apps, or expensive dSLR gear put …

Gobi Impressions

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David18 Comments

Gobi Impressions, Triptych. Mongolia, 2012. A triptych made of images shot during my recent time in the Gobi desert. Handheld at low shutter speeds, I moved the camera back and forth to create a series of impressions. My friend Wendy does a lot of work like this and the art she creates continually blows me away and often creates in …

August Desktop Wallpaper

In Travel, Wallpapers, Within The Frame Adventures by David7 Comments

The White Stupa sand cliffs, Mongolia, 2012 Last month’s desktop wallpaper was a little late, so I thought I’d give you a little time to enjoy it before throwing something new at you. I know, takes a lot of nerve to call 3 weeks “a little late” but then if I’d never posted it, 3 weeks late would have been …