April Desktop Wallpapers
Iceland, 2010. Click either image to enlarge, then right-click to save to your computer. Two desktop wallpapers this month, due to indecision. I’ve been printing up a storm over here at the loft and in the process I discovered a new series of black and white work from Iceland. These are 2560 x 1600 and will fit anything up to …
Why I Print
Monument Valley, 2011 With the advent of digital photography, and even more importantly, the internet, our ability to share and experience photographs has changed dramatically. The wet darkroom, once so necessary for creating prints we could touch and feel, is much less common than it once was, and if I were a betting man I’d wager that the majority of …
The Thing About (Travel) Tripods
Me. And my tripod. Iceland 2010. Photo by Dave Delnea. In the last few years I’ve done a complete 180 on how I think about tripods. I used to lug one around because I should, but never used it. I used to call my tripod unsavory names. Frankly, we were not on the best of terms. But I’ve owned a …
A Second Edit
Iceland, 2010 I spent part of today doing a second edit – nearly two years after the first one – on my Iceland 2010 images. These second edits are important to me, for two reasons. First, we miss images on our first edit, and the closer that edit happens to the moments of making the photographs, the more we get …
New HQ: A Quick Peak
A couple quick shots from the new Galactic Headquarters for both Pixelated Image Communications and Craft & Vision. A small loft in Vancouver’s Yaletown, and just big enough to call home when I’m not traveling and for Corwin and the rest of my team to make use of as an office. This has to be one of the best parts …
Portraits: Some Questions Answered.
Old Havana, Cuba, 2009 I got some questions after we released the latest eBook, Forget Mugshots, 10 Steps to Better Portraits, that I thought I’d answer here. Some of this stuff was answered in Within The Frame, The Journey of Photographic Vision, but I don’t expect everyone to have read that, so here’s some additional ideas that have come up. …
Images shot for, and property of, Save The Children. Ethiopia, 2009. Tomorrow we release Forget Mugshots, 10 Steps to Better Portraits. While I was writing it I spent a lot of time thinking about my favourite portraits. Many of those were shot for clients, and I’m limited in how I show them, so they can’t go into my books, which …
English Bay, 2012. Back in Vancouver now, and living at the Sylvia Hotel on English Bay while waiting to move into a great little live/work loft in Yaletown on March 15th. After long detours home on snow-choked BC roads, Vancouver welcomed me back with open arms on March 5th – cherry blossoms beginning to bloom, sunshine (short-lived, but welcoming), and …
March Desktop Wallpapers
Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park, 2012 Two desktop wallpapers for you this month. My indecision is your gain. Click either image above to get the full-resolution file – both of them are 2560 x 1600. Seriously, this might just be my new favourite place. Amazing accomodations, real fireplaces, great food, and really reasonable rates with breakfast included. This morning I …
Emerald Lake.
There may, or may not, be a hot tub here at Emerald Lake Lodge. A huge 16-person hot-tub. Also, there may or may not be a fermented beverage in the flask (thank you, Dave Delnea). Flask by Filson. Photograph, and mad iPhone skills, by Cynthia Brooke Haynes. Hat by Patagonia.