Do The Work
“The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.” ~Emile Zola Lately I’ve had nothing but time. My feet are still weak and the closest I come to walking is fearful crutch-work across the kitchen floor as I put more and more weight on the feet. I have visions of the screws and plates popping …
New Plan, Part II
Caveat: This is a post about gear. So many of you will get all glossy-eyed. Worse: it’s not even camera gear. This is a post about the gear I’ve chosen to live with on the on-going (if not somewhat interupted) nomadic adventure with Jessie. You will be forgiven if you just move on, not everyone cares about field kitchens …
Originality is Overrated
There is much talk in artsy circles about being “original”. I’m not even sure I know what that means. (Or if it exists.) Of all the places to put our energy, I think this is among the more futile. It’s the wrong answer to the right question. Is desiring originality (insert vague personal definition here) a good thing? Yes. Of …
OK, New Plan. Part I
I think we can all agree that this year went a little sideways. If things had gone to plan I’d have picked Jessie up in Atlanta over a month ago, spun through the Florida Keys, lingered for three weeks, then come up the Eastern seaboard, and back into Canada. By now I’d be heading east toward the Maritimes, finally to …
Photographically Speaking: I’m Done.
Just a quick update on the newest book, Photographically Speaking. I was genuinely worried how far we’d have to push the deadlines out on this after my accident but if there’s one things everyone knows, including publishers and Kathy Bates, it’s that a writer with broken ankles gets way more done than his colleagues that waste all their time with …
Twilight I, Tahoe, JUST RELEASED.
Twilight I, Tahoe [hana-code-insert name=’ADD – TAHOE’ /][hana-code-insert name=’VIEW – TAHOE’ /] It’s been a long time since I did much more with my work than either hand it over to clients or put it in a book. In February I set out in Jessie, my intrepid Land Rover Defender, in part to change all that. I started shooting for …
Today marks my 1000th post, more if you count some of the drivel I edited out when I moved this blog over from Typepad years ago. I had all kinds of ideas about how to mark this 1000th post, but none of them were exceptionally good, and to be honest all I really want to say is Thank You. …
July 2011 Wallpaper
Iceland, August 2010. This is a 1920×1200 wallpaper, so it’ll do for anything up to a 17″ MacBook Pro. Click the image to access the larger file. June 30th was my mother’s birthday, so I let her pick the wallpaper this month. She loves this one, so the rest of you are stuck with it. 🙂 Seems a small thing …
Impression I, II, III All three photographs were made with my iPhone 4, cropped to 4×5, and processed with the Magic Hour filter, all in the Camera+ app. I tweaked curves slightly, and added borders in Photoshop after import. One of the first things I did when the Ottawa Hospital finally let me have a Day Pass to go wreak …
The Record is Skipping: DO WHAT YOU LOVE
Quick snapshot by Corwin, one morning this spring in Death Valley. The over-zealous use of the high-pass filter can only be blamed on me though. _____________________________________________ Keep reading, I did the draw for the Artist Print of Twilight I, Tahoe this morning and I’ll announce the winner at the end of this post. _____________________________________________ Another idealistic post this morning, …