Postcard from Peggy’s Cove, NS

In Emily and I, News & Stuff, Travel by David40 Comments

Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia Since you last heard from me I’ve had a chance to take all the new information in, and figure out my new plan since I can’t – until I can prove I’ve got an “unrelinquished address” – travel through the USA as I had planned. The issue is not that I don’t have a mailing address, …


In Emily and I, Jessie and I, Life Is Short, Travel by David131 Comments

Quebec City, 2012. After an amazing night in Quebec City, wandering around in the fog and snow, we drove to New Brunswick and then to Maine. And when I say we drove to Maine, I do not mean we drove into Maine. We tried. But after 5 hours of questioning, an extensive vehicle search, and a second interrogation, I was …

Work or Whine. A Rant.

In Life Is Short, Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, VisionMongers by David129 Comments

Shooting sunset in the Maasai Mara, while a ranger keeps an eye out. Photo credit: Regis Vincent. When Nicole S. Young’s ebook on MicroStock came out last year on the Craft&Vision site, we caught some flack for “supporting the microstock model.” We were told how unfair the model is, how it’s going to put photographers out of business, and how …

Emily: The Jeep Geek Post

In Emily and I, Jessie and I, Life Is Short, Travel by David100 Comments

This one’s not going to appeal to everyone, but for those of you wanting to know more about Emily (my Jeep, and my home for the next year, starting a week from today), here’s the scoop. Yesterday I got her back from the shop after a few last minute modifications and she’s now ready to roll. First, she’s a 2011 …

February 2012 Wallpaper

In Travel, Wallpapers by David21 Comments

Lalibela, Ethiopia. 2012. Click the image to download a 2560 x 1600 desktop wallpaper. I’m as close to home as I’m going to be for a while now. A month after heading to Africa and tromping about Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania, I’m back to packing my bags and this time for the haul. On February 11 I’ll get into the …

Postcards from the Maasai Mara

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David29 Comments

It feels like forever since I’ve been online, but what a trip it’s been. We’re packing our bags, wrapping up the last sad goodbyes, and getting one last morning game drive on the mara before boarding a small plane back to Nairobi, leaving Kitchwa Tembo, Sekenani Camp, and the magic of the Maasai mara behind us. We’ve spent the last …

Postcard from Lalibela

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David29 Comments

Wow, this might be longest I’ve ever gone without fully functional internet. Nice to take a break but the few times I tried to get online were fraught with frustration. After almost 2 weeks in northern Ethiopia, and most of that among the pilgrims of Lalibela, I’m now heading to Nairobi for two days of R&R before beginning the Maasai …

Resolution or Resolve

In Travel, Wallpapers, Within The Frame Adventures, Workshops and Events by David63 Comments

This month’s free Desktop Wallpaper. Antarctica, December 2011. Click the image to get the full-resolution version. Speaking of resolution…   Resolution or Resolve? I was going to let New Year’s eve come and go without using the word resolution. But then I started thinking about my own reluctance to embrace the whole topic, and I felt a sermon growing…. It’s …


In Just For Fun, Life Is Short, News & Stuff, Pep Talks, Travel by David88 Comments

I want to join my little penguin friend in wishing you a very Merry Christmas. If you celebrate Hanukkah, like much of my family, then a happy Hanukkah to you. If you celebrate something else, or nothing at all, then I wish you the same: peace, joy, and a new year that is filled with the same. I still celebrate …

Adventure is Out There

In Craft & Vision, e-books, Emily and I, Jessie and I, Life Is Short, News & Stuff, Pep Talks, Vision Is Better by David50 Comments

Emily, just back from the final trip to the outfitters and ready for February. A friend once told me to watch the Pixar movie UP. Aside from the fact that I was crying like a little girl within the first 10 minutes (be warned), there was something about it that resonated powerfully with me. Part of that was the exploration …