Portraits: Some Questions Answered.

In Craft & Vision, e-books, Thoughts & Theory by David21 Comments

Old Havana, Cuba, 2009 I got some questions after we released the latest eBook, Forget Mugshots, 10 Steps to Better Portraits, that I thought I’d answer here. Some of this stuff was answered in Within The Frame, The Journey of Photographic Vision, but I don’t expect everyone to have read that, so here’s some additional ideas that have come up. …

Don’t Stop.

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Photographically Speaking, Rants and Sermons, Thoughts & Theory, Vision Is Better by David40 Comments

Agra Fort. Agra, India. 2008. I rediscovered this sequence of photographs while putting together Photographically Speaking. In the book I discuss one of these images and explore the elements and decisions that make the photograph what it is. But looking at the 3 together I think there’s a lesson along the lines of the stuff I’ve been talking about lately, …

Monument Valley, Utah

In Jessie and I, Thoughts & Theory, Travel by David30 Comments

Sitting in a quiet restaurant in Taos, New Mexico. We’ve got one more day before we need to be in Albuquerqe. Some of you have expressed anything from wonder to shock to consternation at how fast I’m travelling. It won’t always be this way. Sadly in order to do this trip at all I needed to front-load some of the …

Better Portraits: Wait for the soul.

In Thoughts & Theory by David49 Comments

Mongolia, 2008. Image shot for World Vision Canada. With all the talk about technique it’s easy to forget, or to never learn at all, that the most important skills in portraiture aren’t photographic at all. You can use your fanciest 135/2.0 or 85/1.2 lens, blast 3 SB900 flashes through 6-foot octaboxes, or choose the best backgrounds the world has ever …